Role: Web developer
Type: Code
Built a full-stack website for a philanthropy foundation in Montgomery, Maryland.
Apr. 2020 - Mar. 2021
The David and Mikel Blair Family Foundation is dedicated to purposeful giving and is rooted in improving the quality of life for individuals around Maryland. The foundation connected with me after a partner had a positive experience working with me at They wanted to develop a simple full-stack website with a contact form and subscribe form, much like my work at I worked with a designer on their team to take their wireframe design and turn it into a living website. The wireframe was one of the more intricate designs I have had to emulate, but I tackled the challenge with relative ease with my newfound skills. I built this site using React.js as the front-end, and Firebase for the NoSQL database back-end to store contact info and then send that contact info to the client's email via nodemailer with server-side functions, and free SSL hosting. The site also features traffic tracking for the client with Google Analytics.
Domain Admin
Apr. 2020
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May. 2020
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Mar. 2021
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Mar. 2021
Unfortunately, the client wanted to remove some verbiage, which in turn affected the design. Version 2 looked better in my opinion so reference my work there!
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Job ID: blairfamily-foundation