Minute.tech LLC is a software solution connecting clients who have tech questions with qualified technicians for everyday tech support; think GeekSquad crossed with Uber. Users can communicate via real-time messenger, voice/video call, screen sharing, and scheduling with a review and payment system built in. The Minute.tech system lowers the barrier for non-techies and techies to work together, especially during a pandemic that requires socially distanced solutions to previously in-person services. Since the pandemic started in Feb. 2020, I have been testing the Minute.tech beta web app with live clients with me as the only technician. I gave the customer the option to resolve with or without paying me for my help. So far I have answered 200 client questions with the Minute.tech platform, transacted nearly $5000 with the Stripe API, and accrued almost 14,000 call minutes with the Twilio API.
I started this project in my junior year at San Jose State University for an entrepreneurship course where we were assigned to pick an idea with a group and build a business plan for it. I suggested my tech support idea I recently came up with after my parents were constantly calling for tech support after leaving them for college, and my team loved it. The business plan I built for this project impressed my professor enough for her to suggest I compete in the Shark Tank-like Silicon Valley Business Plan Competition (SVBPC). I wisely listened to her and competed in the SVBPC, which awarded my new business $1500 cash and $1000 in legal help in 2016! For my future engineering/business semesters and many group projects, I conducted tests, did extensive research, and built out app prototypes to turn Minute.tech into a reality.
Since graduating, I have continued to build, and mainly test the web app with live clients, building out custom web apps and answering a wide range of technical questions. I am moving to Next.js off of CRA (create-react-app) for a new version of Minute.tech and hopefully the final completion of this vision. Fortunately and unfortunately this process has been slower than I had hoped with a full-time position at Canary Marketing, part-time gigs building custom web apps, and my baby boy born in September 2023! In an age of AI, Minute.tech has needed to evolve a bit, as the business is now focusing energy on building custom web applications for external clients and for internal projects. The current live web application @ www.minute.tech showcases this new business direction.
React Redux
React Native
Computer hardware
Domain Admin
Technical support
Customer service
Nov. 2018
(8 total screens)
Jun. 2019
(11 total screens)
Dec. 2019
(10 total screens)
Sep. 2020
(9 total screens)
Jan. 2020
Check out the old build @ https://live-minute-tech.web.app/
(25 total screens)
Sep. 2024
This new build is focused on showcasing Minute.tech as a software development business, rather than the old business idea of a tech support focused app.
(6 total screens)
This job has an extensive history, so I have outlined the important milestones below.
Wrote an 18-page business plan with a team of 3 others (90% me) for our BUS5 181 (Intro to Entrepreneurship) course at San Jose State University. I proceeded to polish the same business plan to compete in the Silicon Valley Business Plan Competition (SVBPC) later that month, awarding my business $1500 cash and $1000 in legal support.
Interested in reading the business plan? Contact me!
Built the first web app prototype with a team of 3 other engineers for our CMPE 148 (Computer Networks I) course project at San Jose State University. We used the Python Play! Framework to build a simple interface allowing a user to log in and submit a ticket. We quickly learned that this framework had way too low of a ceiling for our complex app.
Registered Minute.tech as a Limited Liability Company in the state of California.
Built the second web app prototype with a team of 2 other engineers (90% work done by me) for our CMPE 138 (Database Systems I) course project at San Jose State University. I used the Python Flask Framework and MySQL to build a full-stack interface that included authentication, profile editing, and ticket creation.
Early ERD of MySQL Database
Expanded the second web app prototype from the previous semester with a team of 2 new engineers (90% of work done by me) for our CMPE 130 (Advanced Algorithm Design) course project at San Jose State University. I focused on building a question ticket priority sorting system using the DIPS (Dynamic Insertion Priority Sort) algorithm to efficiently display the most important tickets on the system to a technician.
After a few group projects where I did most of the work, I decided to hire an inexpensive Fiverr.com developer from Morocco to work with me to quickly expand on the Flask framework prototype. We successfully implemented real-time chat with instant messaging using Socket.io and SQLAlchemy libraries, but more importantly, this was a great experience for me as a lead engineer. After researching more features to add such as video calling and mobile apps, I realized that the Flask framework also had too low of a ceiling for the features I was looking for. I was deciding between the Python framework, Django, or the Javascript framework, React.js. I ultimately went with React.js because it was an especially powerful technology when coupled with its sibling, React Native, that allowed me to create an iOS/Android mobile app with one code base.
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Built the first mobile app prototype with a team of 3 other engineers (95% work done by me) for our CMPE 137 (Mobile Software Engineering) course project at San Jose State University. I used the iOS native language of Swift to build an app that tracked both users (technician and client) navigating on a map view using MapKit and Google Maps API. Simulated a similar experience to food delivery apps tracking the driver on their way to the client's location.
View source code
Unsure of how to move forward after failing to find reliable teammates, I thought finding potential investors might help my plight. I expanded the 18-page business plan to 60 pages, expanding upon my plethora of discoveries and prototypes accrued since the first business plan. To properly quote investors, I needed to research the cost and timeline differences between hiring a large engineering firm, and a few software engineers, or just doing it myself. So, I interviewed 5 large software development firms for web/mobile app quotes and interviewed 20 potential software engineers from a physical flyer posted at SJSU. Although I ended up just going with Ryan Morris with equity options (see web app v3 below), I learned a ton about interviewing & vetting engineers, as well as learning realistic pricing of large firms (hint: expensive, $100k for good work). Near the end of my search, I came in contact with an older, IT business owner/family friend who was interested in being a partner/investor on the project. Unfortunately, he ended up wanting to be a 50/50 partner of the business, which I was advised not to do and ultimately was probably the best decision. The decision was now to just push through on my own and build a more fleshed-out MVP to learn web dev deeper along the way!
Interested in reading the business plan? Contact me!
Using the legal funds awarded from the Silicon Valley Business Plan Competition in 2016, I secured the trademark on the 'Minute.tech' name.
Worked with two graphic designer friends and housemates, Ryan Wall and Mitch Licata on the web app wireframe using Sketch, XD, and InVision. (See web wireframe screens above)
Built the third web app prototype with Ryan Morris using React.js, Redux, and Firebase. We successfully implemented the following features:
Ryan ultimately wanted to step away from the project because he wanted to go more down the robotics path instead of web. I had to scrap most of the code from this build because Redux was not properly set up, but Ryan taught me a lot and was the best teammate I have worked with yet on Minute.tech who helped propel the project forward.
This project code is still classified, but contact me if you are interested in viewing it.
Started building the second mobile app prototype for iOS and Android devices using React Native and a shared back-end with the web using Firebase. This was mainly a proof of concept that React Native apps could be easily built with a shared backend.
So far, the application features:
There were a few motivations for building the React Native app:
See progress screenshots in the React Native section above. This project code is still classified, but contact me if you are interested in viewing it.
Built the first fully featured mobile app prototype with a team of 3 other engineers (60% of work done by me) for our senior project at San Jose State University. We again used the iOS native language of Swift to build the app, but this time implemented nearly all the required features:
Full demo video and screenshots in the Swift section above.
This project code is still classified, but contact me if you are interested in viewing it.
Building off some of the project code developed with Ryan Morris, I built a new React.js app that was more organized, had fewer bugs, and was more production-ready than version 3.
This build has the following features:
Full demo video and screenshots in the Web Application section above. This project code is still classified, but contact me if you are interested in viewing it.
Registered Minute.tech LLC in Oregon, since I moved here recently!
The Minute.tech web app was stable enough for me to actively use it for years as a technician! I have been focusing a lot of my tech consulting time on building custom web apps, which Minute.tech has solved many pain points for me. Things like easy payment for clients with built-in invoicing, quick follow-up questions directly to me, compensating me for the time I spend stepping them through their questions with the timed video calls, and much more. I am now using some downtime between projects to hard fork the project to use Next.js instead of CRA, replacing old packages, adding new ones, and many more changes I have wanted to make to the build. The main Minute.tech v4 build is still live at www.minute.tech, but keep an eye out for a new and improved version in 2024!
Job ID: minute-tech-llc