Role: Web developer
Type: Code
Built a custom CMS web app for an electronic dance music events and publication company out of Los Angeles, California.
Jun. 2023 - Present
This was my most ambitious build yet, was a ton of fun to build, and the client was a delight to work with. The client came to me with their existing WordPress build and many frustrations with their current solution, namely outdated design and difficult-to-manage backend. We first started I was initially planning to use my recently finished "fire-react-base" template which is based on the SPA (single page app) of CRA (create-react-app) baseline, but realized that their articles being SEO friendly was a requirement, more than any other of my projects. They had a huge backlog of articles that still were getting thousands of monthly hits on average, like their Techno Viking article. I heard rumblings about "Next.js" being an up-and-coming library to use for React.js projects instead of CRA, but I was reluctant to change directions since I had built myself such a strong ecosystem with CRA. I took the time and effort to learn Next.js and transition my whole custom CMS that was built on CRA over to a new framework. This decision ended up being well worth the effort, as the project was a huge success and we have another happy client!
One of the biggest pain points was just swapping the old WordPress build to a temporary domain ( for now) so the client could still access old articles. Fortunately, I learned these lessons just a month or so earlier on my other project which also had a WordPress backend with a blog to-be-referenced, but much fewer users during the downtime for the swap. WordPress builds are so messy when I take over a project and too many references that are hardcoded to the old URL. Another difficulty was working with the PayPal API for their content promo service which just allowed a user to fill out a form, which initiated payment. Relative to working with the Stripe payments API on my projects and their stellar developer experience, the PayPal DX was cumbersome.
Domain Admin
Customer service
Average Monthly Visitors: 27,000
Average Monthly Page Views: 30,000
Dec. 2022
(5 total screens)
Feb. 2023
(14 total screens)
Sep. 2023
The YouTube demo is meant for client, so it's lengthy, but gives you a good feel of the depth of this project!
(12 total screens)
Job ID: 6amgroup-com